Just after the fresh news that Marvel Studios might be welcoming home both Silver Surfer and Galactus, a Fox shaped spanner has been thrown into the works, hinting at the possibility that instead, the blind lawyer superhero will be making a Marvel comeback.

Norrin Radd, aka Silver Surfer, and Galan, aka Galactus were handed over to Fox a while back. Recently, the word on the grapevine has been that Fox may be returning these tormented and terrifying super villains to Marvel. According to Deadline, however, Fox is now more concerned about its Fantastic Four movie than it is about a Daredevil reboot, which means that Marvel may get Daredevil back in the fold.
This turn in events for Marvel could be a blessing in disguise. It’s not that we’re not excited to see the two villains appear in Josh Trank’s (Chronicle) take on the Fantastic Four, but we’re thinking that Daredevil being handed back to 20th Century Fox is very big news indeed. As he’s a superhero, rather than super villain, it would give Marvel much more power to play around with the character and his future on-screen endeavors.
Fox had been trying to get something started with a Daredevil reboot for some time now, ever since the god-awful Ben Affleck and Mark Steven Johnson damaged the property with their sub-standard 2003 movie. But it looks like Fox’s focus is now steadily fixed on The Fantastic Four. So, could this mean that we also see the Silver Surfer or Galactus could be popping up again with Stan Lee’s fantastic quartet? What are your thoughts on the character crossovers? Would you rather see Marvel reclaim the rights to Daredevil? Will Fox do either character comic book justice? Does it even matter, as long as Ben Affleck never rears his ugly superhero head again?