Why are pirates awesome? Because they Arrrrr!! So awesome in fact, that Johnny Depp is keen to come back for a fifth installment of the massively successful Pirates of the Caribbean series. It looks like he might have to find an island somewhere to bury his treasure, though, as Depp is reported to be getting $116 million for reprising his role as Captain Jack Sparrow.

Johnny is being very careful he does not sign on for too many films. He
doesn’t want to ruin his career with overexposure like John Travolta or
Nic Cage did. This huge deal for Pirates means he will be able to pick
his other roles very carefully on the strength of their script rather
than their salary.
Jerry Bruckheimer confirmed last year that a script for Pirates 5 is in the works, but no other details are known at this time. Having encountered Davy Jones, the Flying Dutchman, the Kraken and the Fountain of Youth, I wonder what story arc Pirates of the Caribbean 5 will take?
The two sequels — Dead Man’s Chest and At World’s End — were overly ambitious, bloated affairs that lost sight of what made the first movie so great — the comic interplay between the characters. On Stranger Tides went someway to rectifying this, giving us a more stripped down, more Depp led movie. Let’s hope the new one can be even better.