Real Horror Movies

Are you sitting comfortably? I’m about to reveal that your worst nightmares are all real, TOTALLY real! You thought The Exorcist was just a movie? Well think again, turns out that actually happened! To a boy! In Maryland!
But for some context to your nightmares I’ll explain why I’m ruining your weekend. You have been warned…

The Exorcism Of Emily Rose

The Movie
A priest is put on trial for supposedly murdering a girl named Emily Rose who he performed and exorcism on in order to save her life. The harrowing story is told through flashbacks.

The Truth
The movie was based on the story of Anneliese Michel, a German teenager who became possessed in the 60s. She apparently kept the demon inside of her for years: suffering paralysis, self-abuse, starvation and horrendous visions. But in 1975 many priests attempted separate exorcisms on the girl because they believed she was under the grip of several different demons. While being exorcised the demons withheld Anneliese’s ability to eat so she died of starvation in July 1967. Her parents and the priests were sentanced to six months in prison.

An American Haunting

The Movie
Nineteenth-century landowner John Bell and his family are tormented by an invisible entity, which targets his daughter Betsy in particular.

The Truth
Based on the legend of The Bell Witch who poisoned the well of farmer John Bell. The witch supposedly tormented Bell and his family to the point of insanity, starting noises in the walls and growing to include unusual sounds, people being slapped and pinched, objects being thrown and animals spooking. Finally the witch managed to get Bell to drink the poison water. The movie-makers said the event was the only known time a spirit has killed a human being. The story is said also to be the basis of The Blair Witch project.

The Excorcist

The Movie
Two Priests attempt to remove a demon from the body of a 12 year old girl. A demon who likes walking weirdly down stairs, on ceilings and swearing… a lot. Taking place in the Georgetown neighborhood of Washington, DC: The Exorcist scared the bejesus out of so many people it was banned
The Truth
The screenwriter was inspired to write his depraved tale of teenage troubles after reading a newspaper article which detailed the exorcism of a 13 year old boy in Maryland in 1949. Details of the truth are murky but the boy was said to be so violent and out of control he was moved to St. Louis where the exorcism was performed with many more priests visiting to see the event. The results of the event are unknown.
So that’s the truth! Hopefully you’ll be able to sleep tonight knowing that some of your favorite movies are REAL! Just stay out of Amity ville and Maryland and you’ll be fine. Go and check The Possession out, safe in the knowledge that this kind of shit could happen to you. Happy Labor day weekend!